This is a sneak preview of upcoming PIC voltmeter project. You may use this PIC voltmeter for your power supply, as a battery meter for car, RC cars, RC helicopters, to monitor voltages in your computer or it could be used as a small portable voltmeter.
This is extremely simple to build PIC Temperature meter that allows to measure temperature in two different locations at the same time. Meter can display both Celsius and Fahrenheit values (together or individually) and is capable of measuring temperatures from -55 to 125 degrees Celsius (-67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit). Never before such a useful and powerful circuit could be built with so little components and yet provide endless possibilities. This is all possible thanks to the use of PIC16F628 microcontroller and 2x16 character LCD display that act like a small computer which can be customizable thanks to upgradeable hex firmware.
Presented PIC temperature meter uses two very exciting DS18S20 1-Wire digital temperature sensors. Unlike regular sensors where temperature readings are passed as varying voltage, DS18S20 passes temperature information in a digital format as data. This brings many new possibilities and enables to pass temperature information over much longer distances just over a two wire cable